Kalispell anxiety

ANXIETY in Kalispell? Mine’s been so bad at times, April 2019 being the most recent, that I was having to pull my truck over on main street and have my wife and my best friend come get me.

Here is what happened, and my solution. 

I take tons of supplements, and I’d STOPPED taking my multi-MINERAL supplement. There’s some trace mineral in there, and in Redmonds sea salt that my body desperately needs, and doesn’t get from my diet.

(Why is it important to take a multi-MINERAL supplement? Yes, companies do put minerals in a multi-VITAMIN supplement, but just enough so they can claim it, and put it on the label. Minerals are big, bulky molecules, and if they put as much in there as you really need, that bottle would be HUGE.)

Redmonds sea salt came on my radar the FIRST round of anxiety that sent me seeking medical help back in 2015. I went to a local naturopath, Joe Holcomb, who prescribed “1/2 teaspoon of Redmonds sea salt once a day (put it on your eggs, in water, whatever), and twice a day if you sweat.”  There’s something unique about the brand of sea salt, it comes from some place in Utah.

I laughed and said, “I paid good money for you to tell me this?”, BUT IT WORKED.

That’s how I learned the importance of the multi mineral supplement I’d already been taking, thanks to the knowledge I gleaned from the great staff at Natural Grocers. (I used to do chair massage there, and when I wasn’t working on the public, I’d pester the staff with questions about supplements.)

In our lifetime, we’ll probably never experience a time when anxiety is as high as it as right now as of this writing, April 21st, 2020. I hope you’ll consider this solution. It worked for me. AND IT’S HEALTHIER AND MORE REASONABLY PRICED THAN GOING TO YOUR DOCTOR FOR A PRESCRIPTION.